Tuesday, April 21, 2009


the girls won the first match against CJC, 6-0. may-ee scored the first goal, deflecting christie's hit. christie scored the second one, dribbling the ball which enru hit to her from the 16 yard into the D and gracefully pushed it into the goal. sya took a shot at the goal in one of the short corners we had (we had quite a number of them) and scored the 3rd one. the 4th one was the result of a hustle-bustle at CJ's goalpost. it seemed to be scored by jillian. the 5th goal was scored by danna who just came in for less than 30 seconds. the last goal was another deflection by may-ee. all the goals were scored during the second half. like what jillian said, from what was seen during the friendly matches and this first match it seems to be the trend that the girls only step up in the second half. this shouldn't be the case because it is dangerous if we do so when we play against stronger teams. but anyway, keep up the good work, girls! we can do it! the next match is on friday against RJC.

anyway, congratulations, guys. today's game was great!

Monday, April 20, 2009

I have just received wind that the girls game ended well with a score of 6 - 0. Well done girls! And a special congratulations to Danna right here for her goal scored.

I'm guessing the very inspirational song posted in the last post worked its magic. Anyhow, lets continue this and bag the gold this year.

At this moment, I hope the guys are feeling well and ok for their first game tomorrow, and please remember to envision yourselves at your peak performance. Let's keep ourselves psychologically and physically well conditioned for the upcoming battles.

So sleep well, eat well and play well.

P.S. Don't forget to drop your comments for the blog at the tagboard!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


hey girls (and guys)! our season is starting in less than 27 hours (and for the guys, around 48 hours)! i'm in the blog comm yet i don't really know what to post here. chloe suggested posting some inspirational stuffs. like what. haha. i happen to be a fan of one of the greatest british bands today, Muse, so i pick one of their songs which is quite inspirational. it's called Invincible.
hope you like it (:
in case you can't be bothered to watch the video, here's the lyrics.

follow through
make your dream come true
don't give up the fight
you will be alright
cos there's no one like you in the universe

don't be afraid
of what your mind conceives
you should make a stand
stand up for what you believe
and tonight we can truly say
together we're invincible

during this struggle they will pull us down
but please, please let's use this chance to turn things around
and tonight we can truly say together we're invincible

do it on your own
it makes no difference to me
what you leave behind
and what you choose to be
and whatever they say
your soul's unbreakable

during this struggle they will pull us down
but please, please let's use this chance to turn things around
and tonight we can truly say together we're invincible

oh. and for those who didn't come for training yesterday, please, like what andy and christie said, don't cut your hair during season. either cut it by today or wait until the end of season. hahahaha it's so superstitious but let's just observe this tradition.
and remember what Mr Gerard Danker said. keep visualising ourselves playing a good game tomorrow. and we shall play well tomorrow (:
don't break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend today, don't skip meals, don't sleep too late tonight, don't mug too hard, don't do whatever that may affect our game tomorrow in a negative way.

well that's all. this is the first proper post on this blog, please drop some constructive comments/suggestions for the blog comm kay (: